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March 8th, 2015, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster

Matchmaking in video games usually involves little more than the games you play and your skill level. Wouldn't it be nice if you could meet gamers who genuinely share a lot of things in common? Overdog thinks so -- it just launched an app for Xbox One Preview Program members that helps you find players based on their tastes in fields like music, movies and (of course) games. If you want to find a Destiny raid buddy who's into dance music, hockey and Star Wars, you probably can. Overdog won't be truly ready for action until the finished March Xbox One update hits, but it'll spread to other platforms some time after that.
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March 5th, 2015, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft confirmed that retail Xbox Ones will be unlocked as test kits for games being developed in the Windows 10 universal app.
This will happen in the second half of 2015, the console manufacturer revealed at a GDC panel attended by Eurogamer.ID@Xbox director Chris Charla noted that Microsoft is bringing its self-publishing program, ID@Xbox, to Windows 10.Of course, self-publishing has always been an option on PC, but going through Microsoft's impending unified app platform has some advantages.Joining the programme gives developers two dev kits at no charge, and enables support for Gamerscore, Achievements, Xbox Live, Kinect and so on. There are no fees for certification or updates.Furthermore, you'll gain access to Microsoft's expertise and its gargantuan collection of data. For example, Charla noted that "your launch date is probably as important as your control scheme."More interestingly, Charla revealed that "the correlation between game length - like how long it takes to beat your game - and how your game sells is non-existent. There is literally no correlation there." Fascinating!He added that you don't have to take Microsoft's advice, but it's there for those who want it.Charla boasted that porting between platforms on the universal app is very easy. In fact, Other Ocean ported #IDARB to PC in a day.
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March 5th, 2015, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Windows 10’s foray into gaming has taken another step with the confirmation that Microsoft will offer cross-buy with Xbox One.
The system will work in much the same way as it does on PSN, where some games allow buyers to purchase the game on one system (either PS4, PS3 or Vita) and then also download for free on any other compatible systems they own.
Zen Studios' Pinball FX2 is the first title confirmed for cross-buy. Those who already own the game on Xbox One or Xbox 360 will be able to access all purchased content on Windows 10.
A number of other titles, such as Fable Legends, will offer cross-play between the two platforms, meaning multiplayer sessions will include both console and PC gamers simultaneously.
Xbox boss Phil Spencer in January promised that Windows 10 will be the most game-centric OS Microsoft has ever made.
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March 3rd, 2015, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster

Microsoft has just launched a few new goodies for Xbox 360 owners after neglectingthem following the Xbox One launch. First off, it's launching an Xbox 360 preview program, which "will work much like the Xbox One preview," according to Microsoft's Larry Hryb (Major Nelson). It will only be available to "select invitees" to start with, likely the most avid users. The first release will include a connectivity test to address "common network issues," with more changes coming later in the year. If you're in, you should see an email invitation soon.
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February 26th, 2015, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
 It wasn't long ago you needed to buy a set of purpose-made cans if you wanted a pair of gaming headphones. Thanks to how the PlayStation 4's and Xbox One's controllersare designed, though, that isn't the case anymore. For Xbox, all you need to use your favorite pair of headphones with Microsoft's latest console is a $35 adapter. So how does a company known for its high-end gaming headsets like Astro compete?
With the A40 Xbox One Edition. This $200 headset bests its adversaries, but faces stiff competition from an unexpected place: other Astro headphones.
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February 18th, 2015, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster

We know that Windows 10's universal apps are coming to Xbox One, but there hasn't been much said about when or how this will happen, until now. The Verge reports that Microsoft will open up Xbox One app development in a big way over the coming months. A new app development program will apparently be detailed at Microsoft's Build conference this April, after which the company will release an SDK preview and allow anyone to turn their retail Xbox Ones into developer kits to start making apps. The move will make it easy for devs already making universal Windows apps to port them over to Xbox One, as they'll be able to beta test the apps on any retail console at minimal cost.
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February 17th, 2015, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
x360ce SVN r1137 is compiled. Xbox 360 Controller Emulator (a wrapper library that translates the xinput calls to directinput calls) which allows your controller (GamePad, Joystick, Wheel, ...) to function like an Xbox 360 controller on a Windows PC. For example it allows you to play Grand Theft Auto (GTA) game with Logitech wheel.
x360ce SVN Changelog:
Game Settings User control crash fix.
Game Settings User control updates (work in progress)
Application project Install documentation updated
Updated Application embedded DLL files to version
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February 17th, 2015, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
New details on the Xbox One's upcoming universal apps have revealed that the Windows 10-based programs will be able to run in the background.
This could allow third-party music apps to play while another game is running, for example.A report published by The Verge details how Microsoft will fully unveil its new universal app platform in April at the company's Build conference.Early information suggests that Microsoft will also announce the long-awaited ability for developers to turn retail Xbox One consoles into dev kits at the same time.It's a feature that Microsoft has been talking about since the summer of 2013 but has been unable to offer an update on ever since. The company appeared to admit that it hadabandoned the idea, only to later state that this was "inaccurate".Microsoft's upcoming changes are part of the company's move towards a universal operating system based around Windows 10 on all of its devices.Developers will be able to begin working on the new range of apps from this summer and beta test them with the community.A full switch over to universal apps will take place in November. It's unclear at this point to what extent Kinect will be supported.We've asked Microsoft for more information on all of the above and will update if we hear anything back.
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February 17th, 2015, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
 Microsoft has been touting its Upload Studio since before the Xbox One launched, but until now, the video editing suite only offered a few options for gamers. Now its first major update is bringing a ton of new features -- it can splice together recordings to run for up to 30 minutes, drop in text overlays and toss in tons of new effects and transitions including many styled for games like Forza Horizon, Halo and Call of Duty. The biggest change, however, may be the ability for players use the Kinect camera to drop themselves into the video, using green screen effects without the need for an actual green screen backdrop. According to Major Nelson, the system can see your body and pick it out of the background, but we've seen enough camera glitches and voice commands missed to be skeptical until more people have tried it out. There's a laying out the new Upload Studio experience embedded after the break (plus a clip I tossed together with the new tools), and if you have an Xbox One the update should be live right now for you to try out.
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February 16th, 2015, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSXR 360 v2.0.6.a is released. PCSXR 360 is a sony playstation 1 (PSX) emulator using libxenon, based on lastest PCSX-Reloaded source code available.
PCSXR 360 v2.0.6.a Changelog:
- Updated the spu to 1.9a revision 17(shalma fixes on peops 1.9. thanks to him) in the old build (Better sound).
- Spu timer will be set 2 when you enable the spu irq option in the new cdr build. It's not a correct fix, but at least, the intro sound of FF8 and FF9 and gameplay(played for about 30 minutes) are working.
- Fixed the bios sound intro in the new spu. Actually ced fixed this problem in his fist working spu, but he forget to add in his last spu.This also fixes some strange sounds in games like Ace combat 3.
- Added slow boot options (bios intro animation) on game profile settings in the 2 cores(old and new cdr builds). I added this option, because some games like tomb raider 4 have strange noise sounds in gameplay using the fast boot(no bios intro) and old cdr. So, using the slow boot options( the bios intro animation will apear) and the sound will work fine.
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February 12th, 2015, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
 With multiplayer, multi-platform gaming coming soon across Xbox One and Windows 10, having more friends is always better, right? Microsoft's Major Nelson (Larry Hryb) points out out that the Xbox One website now gives you more chances to find pals and see their feats, thanks to friend suggestions and an activity feed (above). The activity feed is now your account home page by default and shows friends' recent achievement unlocks, clips and more. As for the friend suggestions, you'll see a "people to watch" section showing popular broadcastors and clip creators like, well, Major Nelson. Commenters on Nelson's own activity feed seem to like the change, though one is concerned that it'll turn the console into "FaceBox." We'd argue that Microsoft could take the social aspect much further.
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February 8th, 2015, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster

Your Xbox One lets you livestream or record video to share your gaming exploits, but that's overkill when all you want to do is brag about a shiny new Forza car. Wouldn't it be nice if you could take a screenshot, like your PlayStation 4-toting friends can? You'll have that option soon. After months of promises, Microsoft's Phil Spencer has shown off an Xbox One screen capture feature that lets you share still images. He's quick to warn that this isn't the finished interface, and that the feature will get a "proper intro" when it's ready for a preview -- it could be a while before you're giving this a spin. Even so, it's good to know that you won't have to take a photo just to prove that you beat an arch-rival's score.
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February 7th, 2015, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft has begun rolling out the Xbox One February system update to all console owners.Included in this month's firmware refresh are several sets of changes received by dashboard beta testers over the past 30 days, including tile transparency on the console's home screen, further improvements to party chat and the introduction of dedicated hub pages for your favourite games.The download also includes the controller connection time update, which cuts the time required to sync your pad with your console.ORIGINAL STORY 14/1/15 9.05am: Microsoft has resumed its monthly schedule of Xbox One system updates by detailing the console's February firmware refresh.
Available now to those in the dashboard beta, or early next month to everyone else, the update adds the option for tile transparency on the console's home screen - allowing you to see more of your custom backgrounds.But the biggest addition is that of Game Hubs, new pages which collate stats on your progress through a game, leaderboards, Achievement information, DLC details and Twitch videos from your friends and the community.For those who use their Xbox One with cable TV or the console's TV Tuner, you can now see popular shows "trending" via a new tab.The option to stream live TV streaming to Windows Phone and Android users is also included, although only if you have the TV Tuner peripheral.Finally, there are behind-the-scenes updates for the console's ability to communicate with newer TV models.
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February 4th, 2015, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
This weeks Xbox Deals with Gold brings discounts to Far Cry 4 on Xbox One and Xbox 360.
Both the regular and Gold Edition versions of the game have received a 33 percent discount on Xbox One, whilst the Xbox 360 game is 40 percent cheaper.
Other highlights include Darksiders 2, Payday 2 and Assassin's Creed Rogue on Xbox 360. This week's discounts are available now through February 9.
Here's the full official list:[h=3]Xbox One[/h]Content Title (Content Type) - Discount %
Far Cry 4 (Xbox One Game) - 33%
Far Cry 4 Gold Edition (Xbox One Game) - 33%
[h=3]Xbox 360[/h]Content Title (Content Type) - Discount %
Assassin's Creed Rogue (Games On Demand) - 33%
Far Cry 4 (Games On Demand) - 40%
Walking Dead Survival Instinct (Games On Demand) - 80%
Payday 2 (Games On Demand) - 75%
Nordic Games*
ArcaniA (Games On Demand) - 75%
de Blob 2 (Games On Demand) - 75%
Darksiders (Games On Demand) - 80%
Darksiders II (Games On Demand) - 80%
Darksiders II Argul's Tomb (Add-on) - 50%
Darksiders II Death Rides Pack (Add-on) - 50%
Darksiders II Season Pass (Add-on) - 50%
Deadfall Adventures (Games On Demand) - 90%
Elements of DestructionArcade75%
Frontlines Fuel of War (Games On Demand) - 75%
Frontlines Fuel of War Map Pack (Add-on) - 75%
Jeopardy! (Games On Demand) - 85%
Jeopardy! New Clues Pack (Add-on) - 50%
JUJU (Games On Demand) - 50%
MX vs. ATV Reflex Track Pack 1 (Add-on) - 50%
MX vs. ATV Supercross (Games On Demand) - 33%
Red Faction Armageddon (Games On Demand) - 86%
Red Faction Armageddon Path to War (Add-on) - 50%
Red Faction Armageddon Ruin Pack (Add-on) - 50%
Red Faction Guerilla - Demons of the Badlands (Add-on) - 50%
Red Faction Guerilla - Smasher Pack (Add-on) - 50%
Rocket RiotArcade75%
The Outfit (Games On Demand) - 80%
The Raven Legacy of a Master Thief Ep. 2Arcade75%
The Raven Legacy of a Master Thief Ep. 3Arcade75%
Wheel of Fortune (Games On Demand) - 75%
Wheel of Fortune The Puzzle Pack (Add-on) - 50%
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January 27th, 2015, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft says it shifted 6.6m Xbox consoles during the last quarter of 2014.
The platform holder did not say how many of these were Xbox Ones or Xbox 360s, however.
In the UK, Xbox One topped the console rankings in November. But didn’t in October or December - those months belonged to PS4. However, Xbox 360 continues to sell and there were actually more Xbox 360 games sold in the UK last year than for any other platform.
Overall, Microsoft’s Devices division - which also includes Windows Phone, Surface and Bing, along with Xbox – increased eight per cent last quarter to generate $12.9bn in revenue.
Despite this, net profits for the entire Microsoft business fell from $6.6bn to $5.9bn as demand for PCs and Windows software faltered. The firm is hoping to turn these figures around with the upcoming launch of Windows 10.
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January 27th, 2015, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster

If you've been experiencing random disconnection with your Xbox One's controller, there may be relief in sight, according to a Major Nelson blog post. The latest preview features another (number three, if we're counting it right) controller update that's supposed to fix "(stability) issues submitted by customers and preview participants." We're not sure if that means it specifically addresses the disconnection problem, but we've asked Microsoft for more info. Meanwhile, the controller will also connect to the Xbox in around two seconds now instead of five, a boon only to the truly impatient. Preview members can get the fix by downloading the console update, then connecting their controller to the console with a USB cable and following the instructions here.
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January 25th, 2015, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft announced HoloLens last week as a standalone device, but the company is exploring the possibility of its integration with PC and its Xbox One console as well.
In an interview with Polygon, Xbox boss Phil Spencer explained how a successful launch on its own would almost certainly present scenarios to work with exisiting platforms such as PC and Xbox.
“We think it’s important [HoloLens] succeeds as a stand-alone device. I think the experiences you see today are all standalone.” Spencer said.
“They’re running in the device itself, which is really an accomplishment. There’s no tether to something else, cause what you’re going to see is fairly high fidelity experiences that I think will be impressive that it’s running right here.
“We wanted to land that first.”
Spencer also stressed that the primary function of HoloLens isn't gaming, but that it will play an important part in the totality of the device.
“I think gaming will be important. Specific scenarios with the Xbox we’re thinking hard about where people could ask about streaming solutions, use it as a display for Xbox, we don’t have answers for any of those things.”
HoloLens was unveiled last week during Microsoft's Windows 10 event.
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