October 4th, 2014, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
 Surprise, surprise: the government doesn't take kindly to being hacked. The United StatesDepartment of Justice announced today that four members of an international hacking group have been indicted for stealing over $100 million of software and intellectual property, and two of the accused have already pleaded guilty. Using a mix of SQL injectionand stolen passwords, the group reportedly hacked into internal networks owned by Microsoft, Epic Games, Valve, Zombie Studios and the U.S. Army. Their target? Video games and specialized pilot training software.
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October 4th, 2014, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft has said it's dissatisfied with underwhelmingXbox One sales in Japan.
The company shifted 31,116 Xbox One units between launch on September 4 and September 28, according to data from retail monitor Media Create, which was republished on NeoGAF.
That's significantly lower than initial Xbox 360 sales, which totalled around 62,000 units in the system's first two days of availability back in 2005. The original Xbox sold around 123,000 units in its first three days in Japan in 2002.
"It's not as though we're satisfied with the current sales state," Xbox Japan boss Takashi Sensui told Famitsu (translated by Kotaku). "We hope to continue through taking user feedback and improving [the Xbox One] and offering content that everyone can enjoy. We are also aware that reaching out to let more people know about the Xbox One is vital.
"However, the current console generation has become very long. We hope to lay out a long-term vision and to focus on publicity for our console. Taking the first step was very important, and as for how to permeate the market from here, we hope to continue to do our best."
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October 6th, 2014, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster

Plex has more than its share of fans thanks to its powerful and versatile streaming media capabilities. If you've got a video file (regardless of how you obtained it) there's a good chance Plex can play it. And play it anywhere -- on your Roku, on your tablet, yousmartphone, and now on your Xbox. Starting tomorrow Plex Pass subscribers will be able to pull up their Plex library on their Xbox One. And soon enough Xbox 360 compatibility will be added as well. If you're not a subscriber you'll be able to buy the Xbox apps for a one time fee (how much remains to be seen, but probably around $4.99) after the preview period ends. This is also the first time that Plex has been available on a game console, at least as a native app. You could pull in video to your Xbox over DLNA, but this is much easier and cleaner. And yes, you can control your library with voice controls or gestures thanks to Kinect support.
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October 6th, 2014, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
The focus on miserable Japanese sales figures is a distraction; Xbox has problems everywhere outside the Anglo-American markets
However tough your job is today, spare a thought for Sensui Takashi. His job is selling the Xbox in Japan, which upon all the evidence thus far is a task not dissimilar to being a refrigerator salesman in the Antarctic, or a spokesperson for veganism in a lion enclosure. In an otherwise almost entirely un-revealing interview with Famitsu this week (Famitsu interviews generally being PR-directed puff-pieces of the first order), one note of frustration managed to slip through from the otherwise mild-mannered man with the games industry's worst job. "It's not like we're happy with the current state of sales," he told the magazine. He went on to say that the Xbox team will continue to do its best in a number of vaguely-defined ways, but the glimmer of annoyance was there. Sensui isn't happy.
Who can blame him, though? Xbox One's launch in Japan has been so mind-bogglingly awful that the world's media has effectively written it off as a meaningless dud already. Back when the Xbox 360 was giving the PS3 a kicking in the rest of the world, its poor performance in Japan was an object of curiosity. Now that the Xbox One is already an underdog, giving it a further kicking on the basis of even an eye-wateringly bad performance in a hostile market just seems unkind. The media isn't that keen to put the boot into Microsoft (believe it or not), mindful that the company is likely to remain a force in the industry for a long time to come.
"The Xbox did not fail in Japan, is not continuing to fail in Japan, because people here don't want to buy a product from a foreign company"
To put Sensui's comments in some context, though, consider this; the Xbox One sold half as many units at launch as the Xbox 360 did. In subsequent weeks, sales collapsed further, to the point where it's now selling about half as many units as the PS3 and the Wii U week to week (the Wii U being currently back in the doldrums after a pretty strong summer). It has yet to break 30,000 units sold overall. PS4, despite a late launch and a very slow ramp-up of interesting software for the local market, will soon hit three quarters of a million units sold.
"So what?" is a reasonable reaction, to an extent. Japan hates the Xbox. The failures of the console and its management in this market date right back to the era prior to the launch of the original Xbox, when miscommunication and mismatched corporate culture left Japanese publishers and creators cool on the idea of working on the platform. Japan may still be one of the biggest game markets in the world, but it's fallen off Microsoft's radar for the most part; it's notable that it took almost a year for Xbox One to even appear in this market.
It's frustrating, though, to see some of the lazy excuses which commentators concoct for the failure of Xbox in this market. The most common of them is that "Japanese consumers won't buy a console made overseas", implying that some kind of peculiar product patriotism leads them to automatically despise American or European products that compete with those from Japanese firms.
This is utter nonsense, as anyone who witnessed the enormous queues and boundless enthusiasm for the launch of iPhone 6 in Japan a couple of weeks ago can testify. Apple's smartphones utterly dominate the market here, much to the detriment of local companies like Sony and Sharp; their laptops and tablets do extremely well too. In plenty of other consumer product categories, from luxury cars (BMW and Mercedes) through to coffee makers (DeLonghi) and personal care products (Philips), western companies do remarkably well. If anything, overseas products carry a certain cachet among Japanese consumers. The Xbox did not fail in Japan, is not continuing to fail in Japan, because people here don't want to buy a product from a foreign company. It is failing because of something intrinsic to the product in question - something that simply doesn't appeal to Japanese consumers.
What might that be? Industrial design is part of it; the original Xbox and the Xbox One are particularly huge and while Japanese homes do tend to be small, that's perhaps less a factor than the general preference for sleek, unobtrusive industrial design over chunky expressions of power. Perception is a big problem for Xbox One, too; gamers are entirely aware of the console's negative perception overseas, so it doesn't even have the cachet of being a hugely successful system overseas to build upon. Software, though, is a much bigger factor. Many Western commentators have pointed out that Microsoft did work hard to bring some big-name RPGs to the Xbox 360 - what more could they have done, I've been asked - but that's not enough to sustain a console.
A console purchase is an investment for a consumer; they buy new hardware on the basis of belief that it will continue to entertain them for years to come. A single big game (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, whatever) can only sell a console if consumers believe that there's more on the way; these RPGs, in contrast, felt like one-off "events", aimed more at proving to American consumers that Xbox 360 could do Japanese games than at selling consoles to Japanese consumers. Besides, not all Japanese consumers actually play RPGs; it's worth noting that the eventual low-key success of the Xbox 360 here (it did sell almost 1.7 million units in the end) came not off the back of these big-name RPGs but from the steady drip-feed of shooters, visual novels and various other genres which emerged as the console's life ran on.
"Xbox has a cultural problem, a laser-focus on Anglo-American markets that has left the rest of the world cold"
Overall, though, it's hard to pinpoint a single reason for the truly staggering failure of Xbox One in Japan. You know why? Because looking for that reason is entirely the wrong question to ask.
It's the wrong question because Xbox doesn't just have a problem in Japan. Look back at the Xbox 360, Microsoft's huge success story - it ended the generation neck and neck with the PS3, a massive reversal of the PS2 era and a great result for Microsoft. Those are global figures, though; break it down to regional figures and an entirely different picture emerges. Microsoft dominated the United States; it did extremely well in the UK. In the rest of Europe, in Japan and in most other markets, it got destroyed by the PS3 - a pattern that's being repeated with the Xbox One, except this time it's not even selling well in the US and UK.
We talk about Japan because Japan is a big market and it releases weekly sales figures to the public, so there's strong visibility of what's happening here. That shouldn't blind us to the reality of what we're talking about. Xbox doesn't have a problem in Japan. Xbox has a problem in everywhere outside the Anglo-American markets, of which Japan is only a part. The question isn't "why don't Japanese consumers buy Xbox?" - it's "why don't consumers anywhere outside the US and UK buy Xbox?" Focusing the discussion on Japan obfuscates this reality, allowing the apologists to creep in with their weird, 1980s-style "Rising Sun" narratives about Japanese consumers refusing to buy US products.
Xbox has a cultural problem, a laser-focus on Anglo-American markets that has left the rest of the world cold. In the last generation, the Xbox 360's remarkable performance in the United States was enough of a fig leaf to cover over its miserable performance outside the Anglophone world. This time around, the fig leaf has been snatched away. Even if PS4 wasn't overshadowing the Xbox One in its home market, though, the rising importance of non-Anglophone markets means that the oddly parochial Xbox was going to face a rough time this generation.
This isn't about Japan, whose game market is largely internally self-sufficient and focused on handheld and mobile titles; it's not even about France or Germany, stable, wealthy markets but not big enough to make a huge dent to global figures. This is about the rising middle class of swathes of countries across the world - a generation of teenagers across South and East Asia, South America and Eastern Europe whose families, for the first time, are in the market for luxuries. If Xbox cannot break out past its stubbornly Anglo-American culture and find a more universal appeal, its troubles in the first year of this generation will look like a storm in a teacup compared to the tempest on the way.
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October 6th, 2014, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Over 100,000 units sold during its first week on sale, according to Chinese media
Microsoft launched the Xbox One in China, the first video game console there in 14 years, on September 29, only two days before the "golden week holiday." Considering it's the first console to be sold since the ban, it's hard to judge performance, but Chinese news site 17173.com (via Kotaku) has reported that Xbox One did sell more than 100,000 units during its first week in China. To compare that to another Asian territory, Xbox One could only sell about 30,000 units during its first month in Japan.
Our own Rob Fahey believes that Xbox has problems outside of any Anglo-American markets, but if Microsoft is able to continue racking up sales in China, that theory may be disproved. Zhang and Shanghai Media Group, the parent company of Microsoft's China partner BesTV, noted that the goal is to sell over 1 million Xbox One consoles in China within a year.
Time will tell just how successful Microsoft will be in China, but the company certainly has its share of skeptics. Developer American McGee, who's based in Shanghai, proclaimed back in May that Xbox One would fail in China. He noted that the impact of piracy is massive and that most gamers get their entertainment fix on mobile and PC in the country.
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October 11th, 2014, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster

Xbox 360 owners lacking an Xbox Live Gold subscription will have a chance to test drive the program throughout the weekend.
The Free Gold Weekend began early this morning and runs through midnight on October 12. Alongside online multiplayer functionality, joining the Free Gold Weekend also grants Xbox 360 owners access to a number of free to play games usually reserved for Gold subscribers, including Warface, World of Tanks Xbox 360 Edition and Happy Wars. Of course, all of that is in addition to the discounts and special promotions only available to Gold subscribers that are open to all Xbox 360 owners this weekend.
How do you sign up? You don't. There's no entry requirement for the Free Gold Weekend beyond owning a functional Xbox 360 and a viable Internet connection. Simply fire the console up and you'll find gratis access to the suite of Xbox Live Gold content.
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October 18th, 2014, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster

We knew that the October update coming to the Xbox One would make it act more like the 360, but Redmond has packed a few other features into it too. In addition to double-tapping the Guide button to call up your friends list and achievements, this patch adds what amounts to two-factor authentication for your account (something new for Xbox-only Microsoft logins), according to Xbox Live's Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb. A select few markets are getting access to a tweaked Live TV setup option too, which will automatically detect the set-top box plugged into the One's HDMI-In port (sounds like HDMI-CEC to us). The new media player app is improved, with support for MKV and access to media stored on DLNA servers. You can hide any games that are cluttering up the "ready to install" portion of your collection now as well. Handy! The 249MB update is rolling out starting today, and you should be able to force the download from the system's settings menu.
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October 18th, 2014, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster

Dear Templar Order,
Today our brothers at Microsoft have shown their allegiance to the assassins. They will release two bundles of their Xbox One console featuring the exploits of our ancient enemies. Both versions contain Assassin's Creed Unity and Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, with the standard version priced at $399 and another including Kinect at $499. It will be available at retailers on November 2.
This is not just impacting our North American operations, as Europe is also not safe from those who believe "nothing is true, everything is permitted." The bundles will arrive there on November 4.
Both games will be included in the box as codes, but Unity won't be available to pre-download or access until the game launches on November 11.
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October 18th, 2014, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Grab The Serious Sam Collection (Xbox 360) for $8 (Reg. $39.99)! Sam 'Serious' Stone is back. Follow the notorious hero in his quest to destroy the alien overlord, Mental, in The Serious Sam Collection. This includes Serious Sam: The First Encounter, Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, Serious Sam: BFE (plus Jewel of the Nile DLC pack, and Serious Sam: Double D XXL.
Check it out: Amazon - The Serious Sam Collection
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October 19th, 2014, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
After more than a year’s work since v3.3, we are very pleased to announce XBMC4Xbox version v3.5. A large number of new features and improvements have been made since v3.3, including the integration of Python 2.7, improved video playback, updates to the skinning engine, scraper fixes, and plenty of bug fixes.
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October 23rd, 2014, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
 Microsoft pitches the Xbox One not as a run-of-the-mill games console, but as a fully fledged home entertainment hub. For most Americans, making use of the One's TV integration features is as simple as plugging the HDMI output from their set-top box straight into the console. Europeans don't have it quite as easy. With old-school coaxial cables still in common use, Microsoft cooked up the Xbox One Digital TV Tuner: a small USB peripheral that turns coaxial outputs into something the console can understand. Today, the TV Tuner has finally gone on sale in the UK for £25, and in France, Germany, Italy and Spain for €30. Once set up, you can start watching TV through your Xbox One, using the console's OneGuide EPG to browse channel listings with a controller, or with voice commands if you have a Kinect camera. The Xbox also becomes a make-shift DVR, allowing you to pause and rewind live TV. And when you absolutely have to spend time in another room, you can continue to watch live TV on mobile devices by streaming it through the Xbox One SmartGlass app.
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October 23rd, 2014, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
 Microsoft only just unleashed its October update for the Xbox One, and now it's talking about what to expect next month. The update will hit consoles for those in the preview test group soon, and adds many features Major Nelson and crew say the community has been asking for, including custom backgrounds (with the PS4 getting themes soon, it's Blu-ray 3D all over again), and extra details for profiles. The custom backgrounds will launch with a selection of pictures and the ability to post based on achievements, and after a media player update later in the month, gamers will be able to import any image they want. A returning feature from the Xbox 360 will put details like your location and custom bio back on the profile page, plus a self-curated selection of game clips and achievements. Oh, and those game clips? You'll be able to share them with the masses easily, because the update adds the ability to share any of your favorites directly to Twitter. Check after the break for ao and more details on what's coming.
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October 23rd, 2014, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster

The Xbox One's screenshot-making feature won't be added to the system's feature set until next year. Xbox head Phil Spencer explained to IGN that as the company comes "back into the new year, we'll see new stuff, and screenshots is on the list." The news follows Spencer's promise a few weeks ago that the company would deliver on oft-requested features such as screenshot creation and background themes for the Xbox One's dashboard. Those custom backgrounds will be part of the system's November update.
"In December, it's probably a time for us to pause for a little bit and settle just as all the new consoles are coming online," Spencer said, indicating a small break in the action for the console's development team. He also noted that screenshot creation for Xbox One is "a little more technically challenging than I thought," but that the team found a "good solution" two weeks ago. "They're working on it. They know people want it. The team has a path to getting it done, and now it's just prioritizing," he added.
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October 25th, 2014, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Xbox boss Phil Spencer admits that the reasons behind Xbox One’s lengthy installation times remain a little unclear, although he’s determined to address them.
Spencer told IGN, as reported by GameSpot, that while the Xbox One in some instances installs games faster than PS4, for many titles the installation times are “significantly worseâ€.
Some of the blame, he said, lies in the fact that Xbox One was originally designed to have a permanent internet connection, although this was famously dropped pre-release.
"The change to having to deal with an offline-only state meant that all the install code-flows weren't as perfect as they could be," Spencer claimed. "Are there systematic reasons for that? Our drive's obviously the same speed, moving stuff into memory takes the same amount of time; hard drive speed's basically the same, so what's going on?
"I'm not defending it at all, because I do think install times should be faster. I'm capturing the data. I want to be state-of-the-art in install times so people can start playing games as soon as possible.
"It's one of the things that's on top of my list in terms of the parity experience between us and Sony, and making sure that the install times aren't deficient on Xbox in any way."
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October 25th, 2014, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
2.4m Xbox consoles were shipped to retail in the quarter ending September 30th.
Microsoft’s initial wording appeared to suggest that the number represented consoles sold to consumers, but it has since been confirmed that this is not the case.
It has not been specified how many of that number were Xbox Ones. Still, it’s an excellent jump from the 1.2m Xbox consoles shipped to retail in the same quarter last year in the run-up to the launch of Xbox One.
Xbox group revenue for the period is up 58 per cent year-on-year. Overall revenues at Microsoft’s Device and Consumer division climbed 47 per cent to $10.96bn.
Xbox One launched in several new territories in the period, with the Chinese launch reportedly proving to be a big success, even if Japan has been a different story.
While we know that PS4 sales to consumers had hit 10m as per the start of August, the most recent specific Xbox One number from Microsoft was issued way back in April when it said it had shipped 5m units to retail.
There have been good signs for the console since, however, including some impressive sales weeksin the UK and reported jumps following the dropping of Kinect in the US.
However, silence speaks volumes and Microsoft’s unwillingness to release concrete numbers forces everyone to conclude that it still trails far behind its rival.
Estimates suggest that PS4 is enjoying an approximate 3-to-1 sales advantage.
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October 27th, 2014, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster

The price of the Xbox One will drop by $50 for a limited time in the United States starting November 2, Microsoft announced. The stand-alone system will cost $350 until January 3, 2015 at participating retailers, which will include Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop, Microsoft's stores, Target, Toys R Us and Walmart.
The holiday savings applies to all versions of the console, so those in the market for one of Microsoft's Xbox One bundles will also save $50 during the two-month period. That includes the Assassin's Creed Unitybundle, available before Unitylaunches over a week later, will cost $350 for the standard version that also includes Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and $450 for the version with both games and Kinect. The temporary price cut follows a much more permanent one the UK received in September.
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October 27th, 2014, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Xenia Git (2014/10/27) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).
Xenia Status:
- Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
- Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens!
Xenia Git Changelog:
* Fixing vector compare.
* Reset cr6 on vector compare, fix NOT_V128.
* Stubbed XamInputGetCapabilitiesEx.
* Fixing livelock caused by lf stuff (or at least making it harder to hit).
* StoreRelease should also set cr0 lt/gt.
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October 27th, 2014, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
x360ce SVN r948 is compiled. Xbox 360 Controller Emulator (a wrapper library that translates the xinput calls to directinput calls) which allows your controller (GamePad, Joystick, Wheel, ...) to function like an Xbox 360 controller on a Windows PC. For example it allows you to play Grand Theft Auto (GTA) game with Logitech wheel.
x360ce SVN Changelog:
x360ce_GetAlternativeNames.sql procedure included into project.
Web service fixed. Auto-calculated columns Vendor ID and Product ID added to database.
Main page update
Main page update
Controller statistics stored procedure added.
Controllers in database (Monthly) chart added to home page. http://www.x360ce.com/default.aspx
Main page update
Main page updated
add x360ce.Engine.XmlSerializers.dll to ignore
Linear setting updates on database and project. XInput library embedded resources update. Unnecessary x360ce.Master project removed. "How To Build" Instructions updated.
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October 28th, 2014, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
In June last year, GfK Chart-Track announced that the Xbox 360 had overtaken Nintendo’s Wii to become the UK’s best-selling home console for that generation.
With almost nine million units sold, the machine is second only to the monolithic PS2 in terms of home console sales in the UK.
Launched back in December 2005, the 360 enjoyed eight years launching blockbuster franchises such as Gears of War, Forza and Crackdown before its successor, the Xbox One, hit UK shelves in November 2013.
But with the new machine selling rapidly, is there any life left in the Xbox 360?
Lee Williams, Xbox 360 product manager at Microsoft, tells MCV that, while the One may be fresh hardware, the 360’s established catalogue of games and lower price still makes it an ideal purchase for many first-time console buyers.
“With exciting new bundles and the largest library of games, the Xbox 360 offers consumers a great value entry into gaming,†he says. “We’re still seeing strong demand for the UK’s best-ever-selling home console, and with further investment including the introduction of a 500GB SKU, we are committed to supporting Xbox 360 for the foreseeable future.â€

Williams adds that the Xbox 360 is particularly growing in popularity among families and younger children, thanks to the wide selection of kid-friendly games that have built up over the last near-decade – and continue to launch on the console.
“Since Xbox One’s launch in November 2013, we’ve seen demand for Xbox 360 amongst parents of younger children grow,†he reveals. “This has been supported by sales of software titles such as Minecraft and FIFA, whose low PEGI rating makes them ideal for ‘new-to-console’ buyers and younger audiences. Plus, with the huge library of Arcade games in the Xbox Store, there’s a game to suit every age and taste.â€
While the Xbox One may be understandably occupying the bulk of Microsoft’s advertising efforts at the moment, the firm is also making the most of this new opportunity among families, releasing a range of offers and new SKUs tilted towards children who may not be ready for the step up to next-gen.
“Where it makes sense, we tailor our bundles and marketing to ensure we offer the best value and relevant content for our customers,†says Williams. “An example of this is our upcoming Xbox 360 Blue Special Edition – the console comes with two free games, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Toy Soldiers. This PEGI 12-rated bundle makes it perfect for parents looking to gift an Xbox 360 to their teenagers this Christmas, where PEGI 18-rated titles wouldn’t be suitable.
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November 1st, 2014, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
An Xbox One Slim could already be in the pipeline at Microsoft, a new report claims.
Eurogamer reckons that AMD has developed a smaller, cooler and – crucially – cheaper version of the CPU at the heart of Xbox One. The new chip is based on 20nm as opposed to 28nm tech, meaning more processors can fit onto a silicon wafer, thus reducing cost.
The Xbox One CPU is one of the device’s more expensive components, costing an estimated $50 a piece.
In using a smaller chip Microsoft would, if it desired, be able to reduce the size, manufacturing costs and shipping costs of its console.
However, factors that could dissuade Microsoft from making the switch include the costs of manufacturing new chips and the low yields. There’s also the complication that a lot of 20nm manufacturers are currently employed building Apple’s A8 and A8X chips and that Nvidia is allegedly already waiting in line to get the ball rolling on its next generation of 20nm graphics cards.
The site goes on to speculate that it’s “almost certain†AMD will be doing exactly the same thing for Sony as it is for Microsoft and that a PS4 Slim “is just as inevitable as a downscaled, cheaper Xbox Oneâ€.
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