Hoo boy. It's time to get all crazy with your Avatar fashions, Xbox 360 owners. Major Nelson has announced that more Avatar duds are now available within the New Xbox Experience, with no fewer than four new, totally extreme ... polo shirt options. Here's a breakdown of the latest shipment:
Boys' Department:
Striped Polo Shirt
Striped Jacket with Polo
Checked Jacket with Polo
Open Neck Cardigan
Embroidered Pants
Suspenders with Hi Pants (Dress Up)
Girls' Garb:
Hacking Jacket
Chinos with Belt
Rainy Day Boots
Scarlet Pumps
Lavender Polo Shirt
Like us, you're probably wondering what, exactly, a "Hacking Jacket" is. It isn't what Trinity wore in The Matrix. It is this. So there you go.