Culdcept is one of my all-time favorite PlayStation 2 titles, and next month it's getting an Xbox 360 sequel, Culdcept Saga. Quite popular in Japan, Culdcept combines the board game real-estate collection mechanics of Monopoly with Magic's monster card battles to create something I can only describe as geektastically blissful, and it will be that much more awesome when the 360 version introduces four-player online and the ability to customize your avatar with unlockable items. *squee!* It's much easier for you to try it out for yourself than for me to explain it, so clear off a good 620megs or so off of your 360's hard drive and download the demo. If you don't like it you aren't my friend anymore, and I want my lawnmower back. You've had it for months now, and you live in an apartment so it doesn't even make any sense.