Posted By: Elven6
Andy Pennell goes a bit into the history of HD DVD and what Microsoft had done. It's a really intresting read, Microsoft had a bigger hand in the format war then we were lead to belive last month. Notice how on the CES 2008 portion of the timeline Andy notes:
Jan 2008: CES 2008 turns into an unhappy experience for HD DVD, starting the day after the Warner bombshell. Cool demos never see the light of day and everyone is pretty shell-shocked.
Could the Xbox 360 Ultimate be included in this category?
Find out why Microsoft could have easily put a HD DVD drive into the Xbox 360 from the start, Why Microsoft and Toshiba employees laughed at the first Blu Ray player released, and why Andy's license plate is HD DVD! By clicking here and here
What are your thoughts?
Oh for those who don't know: Andy Penells blog was the go to place when it came to the latest news in Microsoft's work with the HD DVD add on. He had the latest firmware specs (THe only place to get them), and a in depth look at the code work it would have involved, it was a very intresting read until a week ago.