Emulator for Xbox
Pages Emulator Name: Xboy Advance
Author XPort : Description XBoyAdvance
is an Gameboy Advance/Gameboy Color/Super Gameboy emulator. Last
Updated June 5th 2004Screenshots   
Information what's
new: - Merged in VisualBoy Advance 1.7.2 sources - Yes, Hamtaro
works now - Filenames are no longer converted to all lowercase -
Option to sort directories to the top or mixed in with the files - Fixed
bug when selecting multiple buttons in combos - Customizable delay between
screenshots (e.g. show new screenshot every 3 seconds) - View text files
- access via Main Menu -] Utilities or during gameplay from In-game options
-] Game Utilities - When the user has edited their INI files (which you
should NOT do anymore since everything is editable through the menus) and
their save directory is invalid, they will now be told so when XBoyAdvance
starts. - Hardware filters (point filtering, bi/tri linear, etc) are now
re-initalized before each game starts. The filter was possibly being overridden
and never enforced after the first time a game is played. - Returning
to favorites list maintains current position in list - Separated "General
Settings" into two pages - Can now have hi-res modes (e.g. 1080i)
initialized at startup You can overwrite the entire XBoyAdvance tree with
this new package, but when you start it up for the first time, the skin will
probably look/behave screwy. Just go to Configuration -] Video/Skin Configuration
-] Select Skin and reselect the default_xboyadvance directory. Then exit back
to the main menu (important to exit to main menu first) and then restart the
emulator. ================ Text File Viewer ================ DPAD
Up - Up one line DPAD Down - Down one line DPad Left - Up one page DPAD
Right - Down one page R Trigger - Scroll down L Trigger - Scroll up A
- Start search X - Continue last search White - Top of file Black - End
of file Y - Simulate fixed-width font Back - Decrease width of simulated
fixed-width font Start - Increase width of simulated fixed-width font B
- Exit
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